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Report Document

Use this API to report your EGS(E-Invoice Generation Solution) generated B2C documents(Simplified Tax Invoice or Simplified Tax Invoice Credit Note or Simplified Tax Invoice Debit Note )to the ZATCA's sandbox environment.

You have to pass all the required params in the specified format at the minimum to report your document successfully. You can add additional parameters if applicable as per your preference.

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Request Parameters:

invoiceDataYESjsonThe csr(certificate signing request) details you need to provide for onboarding the EGS.{...}\
documentTypeYESstringFor the following documents types, use the corresponding enums:

1) Simplified Tax Invoice - SIMPLIFIED_TAX_INVOICE
2) Simplified Tax Invoice Credit Note - SIMPLIFIED_TAX_INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE3) Simplified Tax Invoice Debit Note - SIMPLIFIED_TAX_INVOICE_DEBIT_NOTE
referenceIdCONDITIONALstringID of the original document(reference document) for which this document is generated.

Applicable only for document types:

1) Simplified Tax Invoice Credit Note2) Simplified Tax Invoice Debit Note
If the document type is Simplified Credit Note, the reference id should be Invoice number for which this credit note is being created.
documentIssueDateTimeYESstringDocument Issue Date and Time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" format.2022-10-21T12:53:13.000Z
documentDueDateTimeNOstringDocument Due Date and Time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" format.2022-10-21T12:53:13.000Z
sellerNameYESstringName of the sellerCompany Name
sellerAddressYESjsonAddress of the seller with the below mentioned fields.{
"addrLine1": "Makkah",
"addrLine2": "Al Alam Street",
"additionalNo": "1234", "buildingNumber": "1234"
"city": "Riyadh",
"state": "Riyadh",
"zipCode": "24211",
"district": "Riyadh",
"country": "SA"
buyerNameCONDITIONALstringBuyer Name is mandatory to be filled as per the transactions mentioned in article 53 (7) and for private education and private healthcare to citizens.Vignesh K
buyerAddressNOjsonBuyer address{
"addrLine1": "Makkah",
"addrLine2": "Al Alam Street",
"additionalNo": "1234", "buildingNumber": "1234"
"city": "Riyadh",
"state": "Riyadh",
"zipCode": "24211",
"district": "Riyadh",
"country": "SA"
addrLine1YESstringAddress Line 1Makkah
addrLine2YESstringAddress Line 2Al Alam Street
buildingNumberYESstringBuilding Number2221
additionalNoYESstringAdditional Number(4 digits)2134
zipCodeYESstringPostal Code(5 digits)24211
countryYESstringCountry code.
2 letter code (ISO 3166 Alpha-2)
documentLineItemsYESarrayLine items list[...]
lineItemDescYESstringLine item descriptionBall point pen
lineItemPriceYESnumberLine item price10.00
lineItemQtyYESnumberLine item quantity10.00
lineItemTaxableAmountYESnumberLine item taxable amount

lineItemTaxableAmount = (lineItemPrice * lineItemQty) - discountOnLineItem
discountOnlineItemYESnumberDiscount in amount applied on the line item0.00
vatRateOnLineItemYESnumberVat Rate applied to the line item15.00
lineItemVatAmountYESnumberVat amount of the line item

lineItemVatAmount = (lineItemTaxableAmount * vatRateOnLineItem)/100
lineItemSubTotalYESnumberTotal of the Line Item

lineItemSubTotal = lineItemTaxableAmount + lineItemVatAmount
totalExcludingVatYESnumbertotalExcludingVat = documentTotal - totalVat100.00
totalTaxableAmountExcludingVatYESnumbertotalTaxableAmountExcludingVat = sum of all lineItemTaxableAmount of line items - discountOnDocumentTotal(if applied)100.00
vatTotalYESnumbervatTotal = sum of all lineItemVatAmount of line items15.00
documentTotalYESnumberdocumentTotal = totalTaxableAmountExcludingVat + vatTotal115.00
isSpecialBillingAgreementYESbooleanIf transaction for the following conditions:

1) Self-billed invoice
2) Third party billed invoice on behalf of the supplier
isTransactionTypeYESbooleanIf transaction is any of the following(not mutually exclusive):

1) Nominal Supply
2) Export
3) Summary
isSelfBilledYESbooleanIf isSpecialBillingAgreement is true and self - billed conditionfalse
isThirdPartyYESbooleanIf isSpecialBillingAgreement is true and Third party conditiontrue
isNominalSupplyYESbooleanIf isTransactionType is true and nominal supply conditionfalse
isExportYESbooleanIf isTransactionType is true and export conditionfalse
isSummaryYESbooleanIf isTransactionType is true and summary invoice conditionfalse
supplyDateYESstringGoods/Service supply Date and Time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" format.
sellerVatRegistrationNumberYESstringSeller Vat registration number300055184400003
additionalSellerIdTypeYESstringFor the following Seller ID types, use the corresponding enums in bold:

1) Commercial registration number with "CRN" as schemeID
2) Momra license with "MOM" as schemeID -
3) MLSD license with "MLS" as schemeID
4) Sagia license with "SAG" as schemeID
5) Other OD with "OTH" as schemeID
In case multiple IDs exist then one of the above must be entered following the sequence specified above
additionalSellerIdNumberYESstringAdditional seller ID number of the ID type chosen1112233344
sellerGroupVatRegistrationNumberCONDITIONALstringGroup Vat registration number of the seller300244974200003
additionalBuyerIdTypeCONDITIONALstringRequired only for private education or private healthcare supplies to Citizens. This field should contain the National ID only for invoices pertaining to private education and private healthcare to citizens. National ID is mandatory to be filled for private education and private healthcare to citizens.

additionalBuyerIdNumberCONDITIONALstringBuyer's NATIONAL ID number112233445566
discountOnDocumentTotalNOnumberDiscount applied on document total0.00
specialTaxTreatmentCONDITIONALstringWhere Tax is not charged at the standard rate, this field should have a narration “Tax treatment applied to the supply” as per Article 53 of the VAT Implementing Regulation.

Narration to be entered if Tax is not charged at basic rate.
vatCurrencyCONDITIONALstringIf document currency is not "SAR", please provide vatCurrency. 'vatTotal' will be always accounted in 'SAR' even when the document currency is not in 'SAR'SAR
noteIssuanceReasonCONDITIONALstringReason for issuing credit/debit note.
Reasons for issuance of credit / debit note as per Article 40 (paragraph 1) and Article 54 (3) of KSA VAT regulations, a Credit and Debit Note is issued for these 5 instances:
1) Cancellation or suspension of the supplies after its occurrence either wholly or partially
2) In case of essential change or amendment in the supply, which leads to the change of the VAT due;
3) Amendment of the supply value which is pre-agreed upon between the supplier and consumer;
4) In case of goods or services refund.
5)In case of change in Seller's or Buyer's information
Cancellation or suspension of the supplies after its occurrence either wholly or partially
currencyYESstringTransaction Currency of the documentSAR
documentIdYESnumberA unique identification of the Invoice - Invoice Reference number(IRN)2022100627

Response Parameters

isReportedbooleanReporting status of the B2C document with ZATCA.

Please refer to the zatcaResponse field if this field is false to know more about the specific error from ZATCA.
zatcaResponselistProxy of ZATCA Reporting API response.

Will be populated for both success and failure scenarios.
"validationResults": {
"infoMessages": [
"type": "INFO",
"code": "XSD_ZATCA_VALID",
"category": "XSD validation",
"message": "Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications",
"status": "PASS"
"warningMessages": [],
"errorMessages": [],
"status": "PASS"
"reportingStatus": "REPORTED",
"timestamp": 0,
"status": 0

Body parameter

"invoiceData": {
"referenceId": "",
"documentIssueDateTime": "2022-12-30T09:58:24.000Z",
"documentDueDateTime": "2022-12-30T09:58:24.000Z",
"sellerName": "ahmad abdurrahman",
"sellerAddress": {
"addrLine1": "12, Masjid Street",
"addrLine2": "Amjad Building",
"additionalNo": "1234",
"buildingNumber": "1234",
"city": "Dammam",
"state": "Riyadh",
"zipCode": "12313",
"district": "Riyadh",
"country": "SA"
"buyerName": "Zahid Gani",
"documentLineItems": [
"lineItemDesc": "HP Laptop/Hp Laptop",
"lineItemPrice": 578,
"lineItemQty": 1,
"lineItemTaxableAmount": 573,
"discountOnLineItem": 5,
"vatRateOnLineItem": 15,
"lineItemVatAmount": 85.95,
"lineItemSubTotal": 658.95
"lineItemDesc": "HP Laptop/Hp Laptop",
"lineItemPrice": 578,
"lineItemQty": 1,
"lineItemTaxableAmount": 573,
"discountOnLineItem": 5,
"vatRateOnLineItem": 15,
"lineItemVatAmount": 85.95,
"lineItemSubTotal": 658.95
"totalExcludingVat": 1112,
"totalTaxableAmountExcludingVat": 1146,
"vatTotal": 166.8,
"documentTotal": 1278.8,
"discountOnDocumentTotal": 34,
"isSpecialBillingAgreement": "false",
"isTransactionType": "false",
"isSelfBilled": "false",
"isThirdParty": "false",
"isNominalSupply": "false",
"isExport": "false",
"isSummary": "false",
"supplyDate": "2022-12-30T09:58:24.000Z",
"sellerVatRegistrationNumber": "300055184400003",
"sellerGroupVatRegistrationNumber": "",
"additionalSellerIdType": "CRN",
"additionalSellerIdNumber": "1112233344",
"specialTaxTreatment": "0",
"currency": "SAR",
"documentId": "001"



Example responses


"zatcaResponse": {
"validationResults": {
"infoMessages": [
"type": "INFO",
"code": "XSD_ZATCA_VALID",
"category": "XSD validation",
"message": "Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications",
"status": "PASS"
"warningMessages": [],
"errorMessages": [],
"status": "PASS"
"reportingStatus": "REPORTED",
"timestamp": 0,
"status": 0
"isReported": true
"isReported": false



Response Schema

Response Headers
